Convention Bureau Italia and ENIT are proud to announce the fourth edition of Italy at Hand, which will be held on 16-18 November 2022.
After three editions aimed at consolidating the event, this year will mark the beginning of its evolution, which aims to expand its offer and to elevate Italy at Hand as the benchmark event for international buyers interested in Italy as a top-tier MICE destination. The most obvious consequence of this process concerns the destination: after organizing the previous editions in Bologna, Rome and Milan, the host destination of Italy at Hand 2022 will be the Campania Region; with Naples hosting the B2B sessions and the social and team building activities, while a best-selling destination such as Sorrento will team up with other 'rising stars' such as Salerno, Campi Flegrei, Ischia and Procida in hosting post-tour activities, underlining Italy’s signature feature of being the quintessential multi-destination for MICE events.
However, the evolution does not stop there: although Italy at Hand will maintain the same format that determined its success in the first three editions, there will also be a significant increase in the number of participants.
In fact, the event will include, as usual, 3 days of networking, distinguished by the seamless integration of business and entertainment. However, this year there will be 40 of the best Italian MICE suppliers meeting 55 high-profile international buyers - against the 45 buyers and 35 suppliers of the previous editions – for an estimate of over 1,200 B2B scheduled appointments.
In addition, the guests will experience 4 informal and fun activities connected to the emotions, images, sensations and inspirations sparked by Italy’s identity and its traditions. The detailed program will be announced at a later stage this year once it will be made final.
- “In this global mood of MICE recovery and positivity that it is finally coming back worldwide, we are thrilled to present Italy at Hand 2022,” announces Carlotta Ferrari, President of Convention Bureau Italia. “I am extremely proud of the choice of this year’s Host Destination, which closes the circle of the territorial distribution of the event. After being organized in the north and central Italy, finally the south will also have its representative in the Campania Region, a true ‘open-air destination’. Moreover, we are extremely satisfied – continues Carlotta – to be able to organize this important project together with the Campania Region and, for the second consecutive year, together with ENIT right from the start of the project, which confirms the consolidation of a vital collaboration for the future of business tourism in Italy”.
- “The narrative concerning MICE tourism is complex and therefore requires some specific attention. Among other things, the value of Italy is seen in its eclectic destinations for tourism. Its historical-artistic heritage, together with the naturalistic, demographic, ethnological and anthropological aspects, make the Italian MICE experience unique. Since the first edition, “Italy at Hand” has demonstrated that it is not just a valid tool for companies who take part, but also a concrete opportunity for promoting the whole of Italy as a destination. It is therefore in Enit’s interest to support the event so that it may continue to grow and to provide a key point in the promotional and sales strategies of Italian operators, as well as an opportunity for international clients to see the excellent features of our country at first hand. Italy fully meets the needs of this new market segment, complying with standards of good living, offering a blend of culture and wellness, and satisfying the desire to widen the range of tourist experiences combined with work updates. The bleisure formula is also a way to involve the whole family in one’s work, so that there is no need to exclude them and give priority only to one’s career. And here, too, Italy is the perfect destination for families. Combining work and leisure is one of Enit’s prime objectives, proposing trips throughout Italy that are less well-known, focusing on sustainability and guaranteeing entertainment in locations where you can discover the timeless history of iconic places. With its cities of art, its natural beauties and destinations that are easy to reach, Italy can offer a variety of experiences for all target markets,” states Enit President Giorgio Palmucci.
- The Campania Region had the foresight to see in Italy at Hand a unique opportunity to enchant international buyers with the magic of their places, their food and their culture: “It is with great pride and satisfaction that Campania Region is looking forward to hosting, for the first time in southern Italy, Italy at Hand, the international MICE workshop organized by Convention Bureau Italia and ENIT,” states Felice Casucci, Campania Region Councilor for Administrative Semplification and Tourism. “Campania with its extraordinary beauty, its fascinating thousand-year history, the largest number of UNESCO awards in Italy, the inestimable food and wine heritage, the distinctive hospitality and its proverbial authenticity, will allow international buyers, coming from the main MICE business generator markets, to live the emotion of a UNIQUE experience and to touch the variety of the offer of “Campania Divina” at hand.”
Apart from announcing the dates, from today international Buyers wishing to apply to Italy at Hand’s hosted buyer programme can submit their application by visiting www.italyathand.com and fill the dedicated form.
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