Event tourism: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Day St. Petersburg @ Manege Central Exhibition Hall (27 October 2018 – photo gallery)
Event tourism: Mercedes-Benz Fashion Day St. Petersburg @ Manege Central Exhibition Hall (27 October 2018 – photo gallery)
Nikolay Hotelier, 31 October 2018

On October 27 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Day St. Petersburg, the final part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia, took place at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in Saint Petersburg. Collections were presented by YULIAKOSYAK (designer Yulia Kosyak), VIKKI (designer Victoria Afanasjeva) and IGOR GULYAEV (designer Igor Gulyaev).

TOHOLOGY have prepared an event photography coverage (available below in slider) and video (it will be presented later on tohology.com).

Photo gallery of the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Day St. Petersburg at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall

Photography: Andrey Ivanov / TOHOLOGY Production


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